‘Hoe ingewikkeld ook uw vraag, wij houden het graag eenvoudig voor u.’
‘Hoe ingewikkeld ook uw vraag, wij houden het graag eenvoudig voor u.’
‘Iedere mijlpaal in uw leven helder en goed geregeld.’
‘Wij gaan voor een duurzame relatie en vinden het daarom belangrijk om u te leren kennen. Alleen dán kunnen wij u goed van dienst zijn.’
‘Wij staan voor het no-nonsense beginsel en spreken uw taal.’
‘Wij staan dicht bij onze klanten, doen ons werk met plezier en spreken een heldere taal.’
‘Wij begeleiden en adviseren u graag in elke fase van uw leven.’
‘Kwaliteit is ons doel, expertise ons middel.’
‘Ons motto is: de klant is koning. Wij zijn dus pas tevreden als u dat ook bent.’
Have you already made the necessary legal arrangements with regards to cohabitation, children, marriage, gifts, divorce, or death?
Whether you are just starting out as an entrepreneur, or maybe need some help in selling your current business, we here at Actus have all the requisite expertise in-house, to advise and to guide you along the way.
Buying a home means taking numerous aspects into account, with a lot to consider, but generally, all at once. Why don’t you let us take this out of your hands? Your worries will be in our safe hands and we will take good care of all the legal formalities.
Actus Notarissen is one of the largest notary offices in The Netherlands. We guarantee optimal service and expertise in all fields, whether it’s offering services in the field of civil agreements, testaments, donations, estate planning, as well as the creation thereof, plus other forms of enterprise, and the transfer of shares.
Would you like to know what the rate is for a mortgage deed, or a deed of transfer, or for example, a notarial deed of incorporation for starting a company?
Then just contact us, and we’ll answer your every query. A sustainable relationship with our customers is of utmost importance to us. Whether you are refinancing your mortgage or buying a house as a private individual, or do you want to set up, or terminate a company as a business customer.
At Actus Notarissen, you have come to the right place, and can be sure to expect an individual tailor-made approach.